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·出版社:中国宇航出版社 ·页码:415 pages ·ISBN:9721202183216 ·条码:9787802183216
·版次:1版 ·装帧:平装 ·开本:32 ·正文语种:英语 |
第一部分健康生活每一天 1. 关注健康,从现在做起 Concern About Your Health, NOW 2. 健康饮食有讲究 Eating for Energy 3. 炎炎夏日,喝水降温 Beat Summer Heat with Water 4. 打哈欠有助于保持头脑清醒 Cool Your Brain with a Yawn 5. 小议睡眠 Sleep 6. 周公解梦 Dream 7. 得了感冒,不用吃药 A Natural Remedy 8. 如何获得良好睡眠 How to Obtain Good Sleep 9. 这种药该这么吃 The Medicine 10. 要想学习好,先把觉睡饱 Sleep Better, Study Better 11. 亚健康 Subhealth 12. 饮食有偏爱,也要防过敏 Food Allergies 13. 罐装食品 Canning Food 14. 食品的基因改良 Unnatural Genetic Modification of Food 15. 温馨家园 Houses 16. 邻里之间 Neighborhood 17. 眼不见,心不念 Out of Sight, Out of Mind 18. 距离产生美 Comfortable Distance Between People 19. 人道主义住所 Habitat for Humanity 20. 洗澡和沐浴 Bath and Bathing 21. 化妆品 Cosmetics 22. 阿司匹林新用 Aspirin 23. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 Hobbies 24. 轻松美发有绝招 How Hard It Is to Get Beautiful Hair
第二部分职场人生 25. 如何准备面试 How to Prepare the Interview 26. 面试成功之道 How to Succeed in a Job Interview 27. 如何保住你的饭碗 Strategies for Keeping Your Job 28. 该提升谁呢 Who Gets Promoted 29. 工作转换,好梦成真 Dreams Can Come True 30. 工作需要不停的换吗 Some People Just Need to Try New Things 31. 备战美国商务会议 American Business Meetings 32. 生活工作两难全 Balancing Work and Family 33. 通用,你适合吗 The Future of General Motors Is Yours 34. 压力无国界 Job Stress Knows No Boundaries 35. 远程办公 Telecommuting 36. 终身工作制 Lifelong Employment 37. 如何获取别人的好感 Don?t Be a Bore 38. 岂能逃避压力 Face the Stress 39. 供需法则的背后 Law of Supply and Demand 40. 飞行员的起起落落 The Ups and Downs of Being a Pilot 41. 美国的快餐店 Fast?Food Restaurants in the United States 42. 一元起价,包你满意 Mark & Spencer
第三部分十年树木,百年树人 43. 现代社会是否需要私塾教育 Should Family Schooling Exist 44. 现代教育评 Remarks on Modern Education 45. 各国高考万花筒 College Entrance Exams 46. 英国大学知多少 British Universities 47. 剑桥大学掠影 Cambridge University 48. 留学美国 Study in the United States 49. 我看美国继续教育 Continuing Education Classes 50. 口试必要吗 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary 51. 活到老学到老 Never Too Old to Learn 52. 学习模式知多少 Learning Styles 53. 如何提高记忆力 How to Improve Your Memory 54. 批判性思维 Critical Thinking 55. 提高阅读速度小窍门 Improving Reading Speed 56. 成功演讲窍门之四步曲 Speaking Easy: Four Steps to Panic?free Public Speaking 57. 伊索寓言 Aesop?s Fables 58. 望子成龙之道 Is There Any Way to Raise a Child 59. 还孩子轻松童年 Let the Children Play
第四部分励志美文 60. 逆境造天才 Adversity Makes a Genius 61. 生活在于奉献 Giving Away 62. 厕所——学习的新去处 Studying Stinks 63. 比尔·盖茨的崛起 The Rise of Bill Gates 64. 登山励志 Why I Climb 65. 钉子与篱笆 The Nails and the Fence 66. 小号手的成功之路 The Man with the Horn 67. 战斗到底 Fight to the End 68. 让失败变为成功之母 Keep Your Direction 69. 如何成为优等生 Adam Ezra Cohen—Westinghouse Winner 70. 自由诚可贵 Liberty 71. 态度决定一切 Attitude Can Cure Pain 72. 偶像的意义 Success Is a Choice—Learn from Role Models 73. 论学习 Of Studies 74. 积极面对你的人生 Facing Your Life Actively 75. 何不放松一下自己 Give Yourself a Break 76. 幸福是什么 What Is Happiness 77. 我有一个梦想 I Have a Dream 78. 热爱你的生活 Love Your Life 79. 让生活随心 Living from Your Heart 80. 超越卓越的你 Make Yourself Excellent 81. 优雅的举止让你充满魅力 Gracious Manner Makes You Charmful 82. 谁说婚姻是爱情的坟墓 Turns out That Marriage Isn?t All That Bad 83. 谁是英雄 What?s a Hero 84. 刮骨疗伤 Scrape the Poison off the Bone 85. 桃李不言,下自成蹊 Peaches and Plums Do Not Have to Talk, Yet the World Beats a Path to Them—Natural Attraction 86. 他嘴里的甲虫 Beetle in His Mouth 87. 砖和房子的故事 Brick and House Story 88. 乔治·华盛顿和他的斧子 George Washington and His Hatchet 89. 诚实正直的林肯 Honest Abe 90. 苏格拉底和他的房子 Socrates and His House 91. 超级明星汤姆·汉克斯 Super Star: Tom Hanks 92. 不同寻常的回音 Unusual Echoes 93. 爱因斯坦和刮胡膏 Einstein and Shaving Cream 94. 丘吉尔的广播演讲 Broadcasting Speech of Churchill 95. 他的司机替他做了报告 His Driver Gave the Lecture for Him 96. 他怎样处理他的钱财呢 What Did He Do with His Money 97. 用镜头记录百姓疾苦的人 The Work of Gordon Parks
第五部分异国风情录 98. 各国风俗,别有趣味 Unique Customs 99. 父亲节的由来 The History of Father?s Day 100. 传奇端午节
What Makes Duanwu Festival Special 101. 春节 Spring Festival 102. 感恩节和它的故事 Thanksgiving and the Story Behind It 103. 黑人自己的圣诞节 Kwanzaa 104. 浪漫情人节 Valentine?s Day 105. 愚人节的小把戏 April Fools? Day Jokes 106. 美国乡村音乐 Country and Western Music 107. 文化休克 Culture Shock 108. 餐桌礼仪和习俗 Table Manners and Customs 109. 点头Yes摇头No吗 Yes or No 110. 崇高的礼物 A Noble Gift 111. 丹麦乡村婚礼 Wedding in Rural Denmark 112. 热情似火还是冷淡如冰 Calling on a Frenchman 113. 法律女神什么样 Goddess of Law 114. 风马牛,不相及 The Wrong Stuff 115. 美国人的交友观 Friendship in Americans? Eyes 116. 瑙鲁 Nauru 117. 亡灵返乡 The Dead Return 118. 新娘着装有讲究 Bridal Attire 119. 伦敦的出租车司机 Taxi Drivers in London
第六部分社会热点追踪 120. 精彩五福娃 The 2008 Olympic Mascots 121. 揭秘2008奥运奖牌 Glory, Gold and Jade 122. 女足世界杯 Women?s World Cup 123. 我为足球狂 Crazy for Football 124. 荣归祖国10周年 HK Celebrates 10th Anniversary 125. 宁可无食,不可无网 No Net? We?d Rather Go Without Food 126. 融传统与现代的“林妹妹” Tradition Meets Modernity—Li Xudan 127. 谁才是我的合租密友 Look for Someone Easygoing 128. 家务劳动,人人有责 Should We Learn to Do Housework 129. 选家居,到郊区 Should I Live in the Countryside or in the City 130. 备受小偷宠爱的公交线路 Pickpocket?prone Routes Named 131. 预防扒手有高招 How to Protect Yourself from Pickpockets 132. 女性解放:任重而道远 Women?s Liberation: A Long Way to Go 133. 女士,您需要点儿什么 Can I Help You, Madam 134. 金钱不是万能的,但没钱是万万不行的 Money Is Necessary 135. 今天你刷卡了吗 Credit Cards 136. 舌战,而非足战 They Fight with Their Tongues, Not Their Feet 137. 特殊夏令营 Summer in the Country 138. 养宠物也要守规矩 Worldwide Pet Policies 139. 解决废物问题 Overcoming the Problem of Waste 140. 美国9.11大劫难 America Under Attack 9.11 141. 校园暴力 Violence on Campus 142. 代沟 Generation Gap 143. 英国的国民保健 National Health Service in Britain 144. 别样的医生 Computer Doctor 145. 话说克隆 Cloning 146. 安全带,保安全 The Safety Belt
第七部分科学与探索 147. 动物的保护色 Animal Mimics 148. 自然平衡 The Balance of Nature 149. 蝴蝶 Butterfly 150. 人类与火的渊源 Man and Fire Long Ago 151. 男女有别 Difference Between Men and Women 152. 海洋生活 Ocean Living 153. 风的形成 What Is Wind 154. 预卜未来 The Future 155. 机器人会超越人类吗 Will Robots Surpass Humans 156. 南极洲 Antarctic 157. 是妖还是鱼 Monster or Fish 158. 年轮揭示的秘密 What Can the Tree Rings Tell 159. 水晶宫 The Crystal Palace 160. 在线服务 Online Service 161. 在线日历 Calendar 162. 中国无人宇宙飞船 China and Its Unmanned Spacecraft 163. 小方砖的大作用 The Functions of the Bricks 164. 蓝色星球——地球 The Blue Planet—Earth 165. 卢浮宫金字塔 Louvre Pyramid
第八部分娱乐休闲 166. 无药可救 Just Helpless 167. 你怎么会迷路呢 How Did You Lose Your Way 168. 你怎么了 What?s the Matter with You 169. 购物风波 The Shopping List 170. 鼓中玄机 There Is Something Very Nice Inside Your Drum 171. 进来还是出去 In or Out 172. 口误 A Slip of the Tongue 173. 留小鱼,放大鱼 Only Keep the Small Fish 174. 谁杀了林肯 Who Killed Abraham Lincoln 175. 劫匪漏抢的袋子 The Bag They Missed 176. 井里挖出个活人 The Man Who Was Found in the Well 177. 谁为座上宾 Who Deserved the Place of Honor 178. 要钱不要命 The Man Who Liked Money Better Than Life 179. 用骗术的猎人 The Hunters Who Used Tricks 180. 猫有九命 Cat Survives Crossing Ocean 181. 破解长生不老 The Aging Process 182. 世界之大,无奇不有 Strange but True 183. 银崖“幽灵” The Blue Lights of Silver Cliff 184. 总统的宠物 The Presidents? Pets 185. 姐妹同心,其利断金 They Are from the Same Family 186. 绝处逢生 Fisherman Found Safe and Sound 187. 大卫:理想的君王 David: The Ideal King 188. 日本人偷袭珍珠港 Japan Has Bombed Pearl Harbor 189. 小谈旅游历史 The History of Traveling 190. 巴拿马运河 The Panama Canal 191. 天堂航空 Heaven Air 192. 度假好去处 Holiday of a Lifetime 193. 旅游省钱有方 Getting More for Less When You Travel 194. 世贸组织2020年旅游展望 WTO Long?Term Forecast Tourism 2020 Vision 195. 风光演员的幕后故事 John Travolta 196. 电影特效知多少 Coming Soon to a Theater Near You 197. 体育精神 The Sporting Spirit 198. 排行决定命运 What?s Your Birth Order 199. 偷食禁果 The Garden of Eden 200. 幸运婴儿与“7”结缘
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