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·出版社:科学出版社 ·页码:231 页 ·出版日期:2008年 ·ISBN:7030208285/9787030208286 ·条形码:9787030208286 ·包装版本:1版
·装帧:平装 ·开本:16 ·正文语种:中文 ·外文书名:Practical English for Business Situations Secretary Talk ·附带品描述:附多媒体互动光盘一张 |
当今世界,是一个开放的世界。中国正在走向世界,世界也正在走向中国。在一些涉外行业中,处处都得说英语,时时都得讲英语,人人都得用英语。如果不会说英语或不能流利地讲英语就根本无法同外国人进行有效的沟通,也就无法胜任工作。 本书突出专业性,紧扣行业实务不放松。同时配有清晰地道的英语朗读,随意定位播放,英文字幕同步播放,帮你熟悉语音、语调、辨识连读、略读,显著提高听觉反应能力。
Part One Conversational English for Office Affairs 第一部分 办公事务英语会话 1. Situational Dialogues 情景对话 1.1 Office Procedures 办公程序 1.2 Handling Correspondence 处理信函 1.3 Presenting Information 呈送资料 1.4 Word Processing 文字处理 1.5 E-mail Sending 电子邮件发送 1.6 Computer Operation 电脑操作 1.7 File-keeping 档案管理 1.8 Taking Dictations 记录口述 1.9 Planning a Meeting 安排会议 1.10 Taking Minutes 会议记录 1.11 Arranging a Daily Schedule 安排日程 1.12 Arranging a Business Trip 安排旅行 1.13 Training a New Secretary 训练新手 2. Commonly Used Expressions 常用语句 Part Two Conversational English for Daily Reception 第二部分 日常接待英语会话 1. Situational Dialogues 情景对话 1.1 Receiving a Regular Visitor with Appointment 接待有预约的熟客 1.2 Receiving a Regular Visitor Without Appointment 接待无预约的熟客 1.3 Receiving a Stranger with Appointment 接待有预约的生客 1.4 Receiving a Stranger Without Appointment 接待无预约的生客 1.5 Receiving a Job-seeker 接待求职者 1.6 Receiving a New Employee 接待新职员 1.7 Receiving a Government Official 接待政府官员 1.8 Receiving a Serviceman 接待维修人员 1.9 Offering Beverage 提供饮料 1.10 Giving Comforts 提供方便 1.11 Giving Directions 指点方向 1.12 Guiding a Visitor 引导参观 1.13 Receiving a Visitor at the Airport 机场接人 1.14 Seeing a Visitor off 送别客人 2. Commonly Used Expressions 常用语句 Part Three Conversational English for Telephone Calls 第三部分 电话英语会话 1. Situational Dialogues 情景对话 1.1 Asking for Information 询问情况 1.2 Booking Tickets 订票 1.3 Reserving a Hotel Room 预订房间 1.4 Hiring a Taxi 租车 1.5 Making Complaints 提出抱怨 1.6 Arranging Appointments 安排约会 1.7 Making Emergency Announcements 紧急通知 1.8 Extending Thanks 道谢 1.9 Expressing Congratulations 道喜 1.10 Making Apologies 道歉 1.11 Expressing Sympathy 慰问 1.12 Talking About Business 业务洽谈 1.13 Making Claims 索赔 2. Commonly Used Expressions 常用语句 Part Four Conversational English for Public Relations 第四部分 公关英语会话 1. Situational Dialogues 情景对话 1.1 Making Self-introductions 自我介绍 1.2 Making Introductions 介绍相识 1.3 Inviting the Guests 邀请客人 1.4 Seating the Guests at a Banquet 安排席位 1.5 Visiting Someone 上门拜访 1.6 Accompanying Someone for Recreational Activities 陪人娱乐 1.7 Accompanying Someone for Sightseeing 陪人观光 1.8 Accompanying Someone for Shopping 陪人购物 1.9 Accompanying Someone to the Hospital 陪人看病 1.10 Saying Good-bye To Someone 与人话别 2. Commonly Used Expressions 常用语句 Part Five Practical Written English for Secretaries 第五部分 文秘实用书面英语 1. Notices and Announcements 通知 1.1 An Announcement of a Shareholders?Conference 股东大会通知 1.2 A Notice of Directors?Meeting 董事会议通知 1.3 A Notice of a Salesmen抯 Meeting 销售人员会议通知 1.4 A Notice of a Commendatory Meeting 表彰大会通知 1.5 A Notice of Mergence 企业合并通知 1.6 A Removal Notice 迁址启事 1.7 A Notice of Opening a New Branch 开设分公司通知 2. Letters of Greetings and Congratulations 祝贺信 2.1 Congratulations on Opening a Company 祝贺同业开张 2.2 Congratulations on a Client抯 Moving to a New Place 祝贺客户乔迁 2.3 Congratulations on Opening a New Branch 祝贺客户开设分公司 2.4 Congratulations on Promotion 祝贺客户提升 2.5 Congratulations on Success 祝贺客户获胜 2.6 Congratulations on Birthday 祝贺客户 2.7 Congratulations on Marriage 祝贺客户结婚 2.8 Season抯 Greetings 祝贺节日 3. Letters of Invitation 邀请信 3.1 Invitation to an Opening Ceremony 邀请参加开业典礼 3.2 Invitation to an Anniversary Celebration 邀请参加厂庆 3.3 Invitation to a Banquet 邀请参加宴会 3.4 Invitation to a Reception 邀请参加招待会 3.5 Invitation to a Tea Party 邀请参加茶会 3.6 Invitation to a Dance 邀请参加舞会 3.7 Invitation to Giving a Report 邀请来厂做报告 4. Thank-you Letters 感谢信 4.1 Thanks for Hospitality 感谢款待 4.2 Thanks for Gifts 感谢馈赠 4.3 Thanks for Donation 感谢捐款 4.4 Thanks for Help 感谢帮助 5. Letters of Consolation 慰问信 5.1 Consoling a Sick Employee 慰问生病职员 5.2 Consoling an Employee Suffering from Fire 慰问遭火灾的职员 5.3 Consoling an Employee Injured in an Accident 慰问受工伤的职工 5.4 Consoling an Employee for His or Her Divorce 慰问离婚的职员 6. Other Correspondence 其他函件 6.1 General Telegrams 一般电报 6.2 Business Telegrams 商业电报 6.3 Telexes 电传 6.4 Letters of Introduction 介绍信 6.5 Letters of Certification 证明信 6.6 Letters of Recommendation 推荐信 6.7 Letters of Apology 道歉信 6.8 Letters of Urgency 催促信 6.9 Letters of Engagement 聘请信 6.10 Letters of Termination 解雇信 6.11 Letters of Condolence 吊唁信 7. Congratulatory Speeches 致词 7.1 Welcoming Speech 欢迎词 7.2 Thank-you Speech 答谢词 7.3 Send-off Speech 欢送词 7.4 Farewell Speech 告别词
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