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·出版社:南海出版公司 ·ISBN:7544235017 ·国别:中国大陆 ·版次:1 ·出版日期:2006-9 ·开本:32 ·精简装:平装 ·页数:128 |
盐酥虾/Fried Salty Shrimp 各式卤味/Dishes fPickled 红龟粿/Steamed Dumpling with Red Bean Smashed 肉圆/Round Dumpling with Meat 担仔面/Tan-Tsai Noodles 扁食汤/Stuffed—Dumpling Soup 棺材板/Fried Toast 四神汤/Four Ingredients Soup 蚝仔酥/Fry Oyster 炷肉饭/Stew Pork Rice 烧肉粽/Glutinous Rice Dumpling 什锦面/Noodles Mix 炸蕃薯(地瓜)/Fry Sweet Potato 红豆汤圆/Red Bean Soup with Balls of Glutinous Rice 碗粿/Steamed Cake with a Bowl 筒仔米糕/Canned Glutinous Rice 鳝鱼意面/Eel Noodles 润饼卷/Spring Warapper 刈包/Chinese buger 蚝仔煎/Samte Oyster 波霸奶茶/Milk Tea with Flour Balls 春之吻/Kiss in Spring 夏惊奇/Surprise in Summer 秋离境/Goodbey in Autumn 冬愿恋/Love in Winter 想念圣诞节/Missing Christmas 紫色秘密/Purple Secret 芋圆又止/Taro ball & Sweet Potato ball 白色雨季/White Ice 台湾的精彩/Taiwanese Style Ice 泰国风/Thai Style Ice 梅子插曲/Plum Song 日式金时/Japanese Style Ice 彩醉梦/Colored Dream 桂花冰/Osmanthus Ice 雪花冰/Snow Ice 花生牛奶冰/Peanut & Milk Ice 红豆汤圆牛奶冰/Red Bean & Rice Ball Ice 草莓牛奶冰/Strawberry & Milk Ice 珍珠魔芋冰/Konjac & Starch Ball Ice 蜜豆水果冰/Pineapple Ice 红豆布丁牛奶冰/Red Bean & Pudding Ice 什锦水果冰/Fruit Cocktail Ice 芒果冰/Mango Ice 红豆冰棒/Red Bean Ice Bar 芋泥花生冰/Taro & Peanut Ice 玉米花生牛奶冰/Corn & Peanut Ice 冰糖莲子冰/Lotus Seed with Rock Sugar Ice 莲子百合/Stewed Lotus Seed & Lily Bulb 红枣雪蛤/Stewed Sheue—Ha with Red Date 龟苓膏/Gui Ling Gao 金枣炖洋参/Stewed Kumquat with Hsi—Yang—Tsen 冰糖燕窝/Stewed Bi rd’S Nest with Rock Sugar 冰糖莲子/Stewed Lotus Seed with Rock Sugar 银耳炖木瓜/Stewed White Fungus with Papaya 枸杞桂圆汤/Stewed Longan with Kou—Chi 汆贝炖雪梨/Stewed Pear with Chuan—Pei 椰奶香芊西米N/Sago & Taro & Coconut Milk Soup 香蕉奶昔/Banana Milkshake 木瓜奶昔/Papaya Milkshake 水果杏仁豆腐/Almond & Mixed—Fruit Pudding 红豆羊羹/Red Bean Yogun 鸡蛋布丁/Egg Pudding 咖啡冻/Coffee Jelly 茉莉茶冻/Jasmine Tea Jelly 凤梨鲜奶冻/Pineapple & Milk Jelly 仙草什锦冻/Green G rass Jelly 综合水果冻/Fruit Cocktail Jelly 布丁魔芋冰/Pudding & Konjac Ice 椰奶冻/Coconut Milk Jelly 抹茶冻/Japanese Green Tea Jelly 猪脚面线/Pork Knuckle Noodle Threads 糯米肠/GIutinous Rice Intestine
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