图书介绍 |
出版社: 河南科学技术出版社; 第1版 (2010年6月1日) 平装: 135页 正文语种: 英语, 中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787534945434 条形码: 9787534945434 产品尺寸及重量: 23.2 x 14.8 x 0.8 cm ; 341 g ASIN: B003TJ95BO |
柔嫩的美味 Tender Sweetness 椰汁糕 Coconut pudding 咖啡双色冻糕 Layered coffee pudding 茶香芦荟冻 Jasmine tea ielly with aloe 荔枝奶冻 Lychee panna coUa 洛神花果冻 Hibiscus tea jelly 黑芝麻奶冻 Black sesame panna cofla 南瓜布丁 Pumpkin pudding 桂花相思糕 Red bean and osmanthus ielly 豆腐布丁 Tofu pudding 酒香苹果冻 White wine apple jelly 杨枝甘露布丁 Mango,pomelo and sago pudding 巨峰睹喱糖 Kyoho grape jelly 椰青大菜糕 Aga~agar with young coconut 浓乳炖蛋白 Extra creamy steamed egg white custard 姜汁炖蛋 Steamed egg custard with ginger juice 细腻品尝的美点 Ensemble of Taste and Texture 抹茶金沙卷 Matcha glutinous rice rolls with COCOnUt,cashew and sesame filling 烤紫薯西米 Baked sago with purple sweet potatoes 芒果捞河粉 Kanten noodles in mango puree 酥皮吉士栗子包 Flaky pastry with custard and chestnut filling 黑糖麻团 Kurotou mochi 水晶粽 Crystal dumplings 怀山药蒸蛋糕 Steamed Chinese yam cake 迷你蓝莓果仁月饼 Mini mooncakes with blueberry and assorted n uts 红豆抹茶薄饼卷 Green tea pancake rolls with Azuki filling 水晶黑糯米芒果卷 Mango and black glutinous rice Kanten rol ls 黑芝麻糖红薯 Candied sweet potato with black sesames 叮当烧饼 Strawberry Dorayaki 酥皮烤香蕉 Banana pastry rolls 黑芝麻杏仁千层糕 B lack sesame and almond Iayer cake 凤梨酥卷 Crumbly pineapple rolls 红枣软糕 Red date glutinous rice cakes 黑芝麻糯米团 Black sesame rice cakes 冰皮吉士红豆卷 Snowy red bean and custard rollS 甜薯铜锣烧 Sweet potato layered Dorayaki 热腾腾的滋润糖水 Piping Hot Classic 南瓜海底椰露 Pumpkin sweet soup with sea coconut 潮州清甜汤 Canna sweet soupin Chaozhou style 麦冬核桃糊 Creamed walnut sweet soup with Mai Dong 豆浆白果腐竹薏米糖水 Soymilk sweet soup with gingkoes,beancu rd sheet and pearI barley 枸杞子姜汁汤丸 Glutinous rice dumplings in ginger and Chinese wolfberry sweet soup 雪梨姜母茶 Pear ginger tea 牛奶炖鱼肚 Double-steamed fish maw in milk 西洋梨杏仁露 Creamed pear and almond sweet soup 冬瓜荷叶糖水 Wintermelon sweet soup with Iotusteat 三薯西米糖水 Tuber triosweet soup with sago pearls 牛蒡红枣枸杞子茶 Red date tea with Chinese wolfberries and bu rdock 五宝露 Five treasu re sweet soup 百合玉竹银耳糖水 White fungus sweet soup with lily bulbs andYu Zhu 红米杏仁露 Brown rice and almond sweet soup 生地绿豆薏米糖水 Mung bean sweet soup with Job'S tears and Sheng Di 莲子百合柿饼糖水 Dried persimmon sweet soup with lotus seeds and Iily bulbs 雨花石汤丸 Marble glutinous rice balls in sweet soup 陈皮红豆沙 Red bean soup with dried tangerine peel |
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